
Plugins monkeypatch Cass to provide modified or additional functionality. They are listed below.

The plugins for Cass are stored in two different repositories: cassiopeia-plugins and cassiopeia-datastores. cassiopeia-plugins contains functionality that modify the behavior of Cass’s objects, while cassiopeia-datastores provides additional datastores (such as databases). Both of these are called “plugins” in this documentation.

Plugins can be added to Cass by downloading the appropriate plugin and putting it on your PYTHONPATH environment variable. Then, in your settings file, you specify the relative path to that plugin (using the package keyword) as if you were directly importing it into your project. The name of the package specifies the data store that that will be loaded from that package and put on the pipeline.


The ChampionGG plugin pulls data from the api . This data is accessible via the Champion.championgg attribute.

To enable this plugin, add the following to your settings’ data pipeline:

"pipline": {
  "ChampionGG": {
    "package": "cassiopeia-plugins.championgg.championgg",
    "api_key": "CHAMPIONGG_KEY"

where "CHAMPIONGG_KEY" is your API key or an environment variable that contains it.

Simple KV Disk Store

This plugin provides a disk-database. It is especially useful for staticdata, which never changes. It works for all data types except MatchHistory.

To enable this plugin, add the following to your settings’ data pipeline between the Cache and DDragon stores:

"pipline": {
  "SimpleKVDiskStore": {
    "package": "cassiopeia-datastores.diskstore.diskstore",
    "path": "/absolute/path/to/store/data/"