Source code for cassiopeia.core.championmastery

import arrow
from typing import Union

from merakicommons.cache import lazy, lazy_property
from merakicommons.container import searchable

from import Region, Platform
from .common import (
from ..dto.championmastery import ChampionMasteryDto
from .staticdata.champion import Champion
from .summoner import Summoner
from ..dto import championmastery as dto

# Data Types #

class ChampionMasteryListData(CoreDataList):
    _dto_type = dto.ChampionMasteryListDto
    _renamed = {}

class ChampionMasteryData(CoreData):
    _dto_type = ChampionMasteryDto
    _renamed = {
        "championLevel": "level",
        "championPoints": "points",
        "playerId": "summonerId",
        "championPointsUntilNextLevel": "pointsUntilNextLevel",
        "championPointsSinceLastLevel": "pointsSinceLastLevel",
        "lastPlayTime": "lastPlayed",
        "tokensEarned": "tokens",

# Core Types #

[docs]class ChampionMasteries(CassiopeiaLazyList): _data_types = {ChampionMasteryListData} def __init__(self, *, summoner: Summoner, region: Union[Region, str] = None): self.__summoner = summoner kwargs = {"region": region} CassiopeiaObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) @classmethod def __get_query_from_kwargs__( cls, *, summoner: Union[Summoner, int, str], region: Union[Region, str] ) -> dict: query = {"region": region} if isinstance(summoner, Summoner): query[""] = elif isinstance(summoner, str): if len(summoner) < 35: # It's a summoner name query[""] = Summoner(name=summoner, region=region).id else: # It's probably a summoner id query[""] = summoner return query @lazy_property def region(self) -> Region: return Region(self._data[ChampionMasteryListData].region) @lazy_property def platform(self) -> Platform: return self.region.platform @property def summoner(self): return self.__summoner
[docs]@searchable( { str: ["champion", "summoner"], int: ["points", "level"], bool: ["chest_granted"], arrow.Arrow: ["last_played"], Champion: ["champion"], Summoner: ["summoner"], } ) class ChampionMastery(CassiopeiaGhost): _data_types = {ChampionMasteryData} def __init__( self, *, summoner: Union[Summoner, int, str] = None, champion: Union[Champion, int, str] = None, region: Union[Region, str] = None, _account_id: str = None ): kwargs = {"region": region} if _account_id is not None: summoner = Summoner(account_id=_account_id, region=region) if summoner is not None: if isinstance(summoner, Summoner): self.__class__.summoner.fget._lazy_set(self, summoner) elif isinstance(summoner, str): if len(summoner) < 35: # It's a summoner name summoner = Summoner(name=summoner, region=region) self.__class__.summoner.fget._lazy_set(self, summoner) else: # It's probably a summoner id kwargs["summonerId"] = summoner if champion is not None: if isinstance(champion, Champion): self.__class__.champion.fget._lazy_set(self, champion) elif isinstance(champion, str): champion = Champion( name=champion, region=self.region, version=get_latest_version(self.region, endpoint="champion"), ) self.__class__.champion.fget._lazy_set(self, champion) else: # int kwargs["championId"] = champion super().__init__(**kwargs) @classmethod def __get_query_from_kwargs__( cls, *, summoner: Union[Summoner, int, str], champion: Union[Champion, int, str], region: Union[Region, str] ) -> dict: query = {"region": region} if isinstance(summoner, Summoner): query[""] = elif isinstance(summoner, str): if len(summoner) < 35: # It's a summoner name query[""] = Summoner(name=summoner, region=region).id else: # It's probably a summoner id query[""] = summoner if isinstance(champion, Champion): query[""] = elif isinstance(champion, str): query[""] = Champion(name=champion, region=region).id else: # int query[""] = champion return query def __get_query__(self): return { "region": self.region, "platform": self.platform.value, "":, "":, } def __load__(self, load_group: CoreData = None) -> None: from datapipelines import NotFoundError try: return super().__load__(load_group) except NotFoundError: from ..transformers.championmastery import ChampionMasteryTransformer dto = { "championLevel": 0, "chestGranted": False, "championPoints": 0, "championPointsUntilNextLevel": 1800, "tokensEarned": 0, "championPointsSinceLastLevel": 0, "lastPlayTime": None, } data = ChampionMasteryTransformer.champion_mastery_dto_to_data(None, dto) self.__load_hook__(load_group, data) def __eq__(self, other: "ChampionMastery"): if not isinstance(other, ChampionMastery) or self.region != other.region: return False return self.champion == other.champion and self.summoner == other.summoner def __str__(self): return "ChampionMastery(summoner={summoner}, champion={champion})".format( summoner=str(self.summoner), champion=str(self.champion) ) __hash__ = CassiopeiaGhost.__hash__ @property def region(self) -> Region: return Region(self._data[ChampionMasteryData].region) @lazy_property def platform(self) -> Platform: return self.region.platform @lazy def champion(self) -> Champion: """Champion for this entry.""" return Champion( id=self._data[ChampionMasteryData].championId, region=self.region, version=get_latest_version(self.region, endpoint="champion"), ) @lazy def summoner(self) -> Summoner: """Summoner for this entry.""" return Summoner( id=self._data[ChampionMasteryData].summonerId, region=self.region ) @ghost_load_on def chest_granted(self) -> bool: """Is chest granted for this champion or not in current season?""" return self._data[ChampionMasteryData].chestGranted @ghost_load_on def level(self) -> int: """Champion level for specified player and champion combination.""" return self._data[ChampionMasteryData].level @ghost_load_on def points(self) -> int: """Total number of champion points for this player and champion combination - used to determine champion level.""" return self._data[ChampionMasteryData].points @ghost_load_on def points_until_next_level(self) -> int: """Number of points needed to achieve next level. Zero if player reached maximum champion level for this champion.""" return self._data[ChampionMasteryData].pointsUntilNextLevel @ghost_load_on def tokens(self) -> int: """Number of tokens earned toward next mastery level.""" return self._data[ChampionMasteryData].tokens @ghost_load_on def points_since_last_level(self) -> int: """Number of points earned since current level has been achieved. Zero if player reached maximum champion level for this champion.""" return self._data[ChampionMasteryData].pointsSinceLastLevel @ghost_load_on @lazy def last_played(self) -> arrow.Arrow: """Last time this champion was played by this player.""" return arrow.get(self._data[ChampionMasteryData].lastPlayed / 1000)