from enum import Enum
class Region(Enum):
brazil = "BR"
europe_north_east = "EUNE"
europe_west = "EUW"
japan = "JP"
korea = "KR"
latin_america_north = "LAN"
latin_america_south = "LAS"
north_america = "NA"
oceania = "OCE"
turkey = "TR"
russia = "RU"
philippines = "PH"
singapore = "SG"
thailand = "TH"
taiwan = "TW"
vietnam = "VN"
def platform(self) -> "Platform":
return getattr(Platform,
def default_locale(self) -> str:
return DEFAULT_LOCALE[self]
def timezone(self) -> str:
tzs = {
"NA": "GMT-8",
"LAN": "GMT-7",
"LAS": "GMT-5",
"BR": "GMT-4",
"EUW": "GMT-2",
"TR": "GMT-0",
"EUNE": "GMT+1",
"RU": "GMT+3",
"KR": "GMT+6",
"JP": "GMT+7",
"OCE": "GMT+8",
"PH": "GMT+8",
"SG": "GMT+8",
"TH": "GMT+7",
"TW": "GMT+8",
"VN": "GMT+7",
return tzs[self.value]
def continent(self) -> "Continent":
if self is Region.brazil:
return Continent.americas
if self is Region.europe_north_east:
return Continent.europe
if self is Region.europe_west:
return Continent.europe
if self is Region.japan:
if self is Region.korea:
if self is Region.latin_america_north:
return Continent.americas
if self is Region.latin_america_south:
return Continent.americas
if self is Region.north_america:
return Continent.americas
if self is Region.oceania:
return Continent.sea
if self is Region.turkey:
return Continent.europe
if self is Region.russia:
return Continent.europe
if self is Region.philippines:
return Continent.sea
if self is Region.singapore:
return Continent.sea
if self is Region.thailand:
return Continent.sea
if self is Region.taiwan:
return Continent.sea
if self is Region.vietnam:
return Continent.sea
Region.brazil: "pt_BR",
Platform.brazil: "pt_BR",
Region.europe_north_east: "en_GB",
Platform.europe_north_east: "en_GB",
Region.europe_west: "en_GB",
Platform.europe_west: "en_GB",
Region.japan: "ja_JP",
Platform.japan: "ja_JP",
Region.korea: "ko_KR",
Platform.korea: "ko_KR",
Region.latin_america_north: "es_MX",
Platform.latin_america_north: "es_MX",
Region.latin_america_south: "es_AR",
Platform.latin_america_south: "es_AR",
Region.north_america: "en_US",
Platform.north_america: "en_US",
Region.oceania: "en_AU",
Platform.oceania: "en_AU",
Region.turkey: "tr_TR",
Platform.turkey: "tr_TR",
Region.russia: "ru_RU",
Platform.russia: "ru_RU",
Region.philippines: "en_PH",
Platform.philippines: "en_PH",
Region.singapore: "en_SG",
Platform.singapore: "en_SG",
Region.thailand: "en_TH",
Platform.thailand: "en_TH",
Region.taiwan: "zh_TW",
Platform.taiwan: "zh_TW",
Region.vietnam: "vn_VN",
Platform.vietnam: "vn_VN",
class Continent(Enum):
americas = "AMERICAS"
asia = "ASIA"
europe = "EUROPE"
sea = "SEA"
class Key(Enum):
Q = "Q"
W = "W"
E = "E"
R = "R"
class Resource(Enum):
mana = "Mana"
courage = "Courage"
energy = "Energy"
fury = "Fury"
rage = "Rage"
flow = "Flow"
ferocity = "Ferocity"
heat = "Heat"
shield = "Shield"
blood_well = "Blood Well"
crimson_rush = "Crimson Rush"
none = "None"
no_cost = "No Cost"
class Side(Enum):
blue = 100
red = 200
class MatchType(Enum): # TODO: Can we combine with GameType somehow?
ranked = "ranked"
normal = "normal"
tourney = "tourney"
tutorial = "tutorial"
class GameMode(Enum):
aram = "ARAM"
ascension = "ASCENSION"
classic = "CLASSIC"
showdown = "FIRSTBLOOD"
poro_king = "KINGPORO"
dominion = "ODIN"
one_for_all = "ONEFORALL"
tutorial = "TUTORIAL"
tutorial_1 = "TUTORIAL_MODULE_1"
tutorial_2 = "TUTORIAL_MODULE_2"
tutorial_3 = "TUTORIAL_MODULE_3"
nexus_siege = "SIEGE"
assassinate = "ASSASSINATE"
dark_star = "DARKSTAR"
all_random_summoners_rift = "ARSR"
urf = "URF"
doom_bots = "DOOMBOTSTEEMO"
star_guardian = "STARGUARDIAN"
project = "PROJECT"
overcharge = "OVERCHARGE"
all_random_urf_snow = "SNOWURF"
practice_tool = "PRACTICETOOL"
nexus_blitz = "NEXUSBLITZ"
odyssey = "ODYSSEY"
utlbook = "ULTBOOK"
cherry = "CHERRY"
wipmode = "WIPMODEWIP"
class MasteryTree(Enum):
cunning = "Cunning"
ferocity = "Ferocity"
resolve = "Resolve"
class Tier(Enum):
challenger = "CHALLENGER"
grandmaster = "GRANDMASTER"
master = "MASTER"
diamond = "DIAMOND"
emerald = "EMERALD"
platinum = "PLATINUM"
gold = "GOLD"
silver = "SILVER"
bronze = "BRONZE"
iron = "IRON"
unranked = "UNRANKED"
def __str__(self):
def _order():
return {
Tier.challenger: 10,
Tier.grandmaster: 9,
Tier.master: 8,
Tier.diamond: 7,
Tier.emerald: 6,
Tier.platinum: 5, 4,
Tier.silver: 3,
Tier.bronze: 2,
Tier.iron: 1,
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] < other._order()[other]
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] > other._order()[other]
def __le__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] <= other._order()[other]
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] >= other._order()[other]
class Division(Enum):
one = "I"
two = "II"
three = "III"
four = "IV"
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def _order():
return { 4, Division.two: 3, Division.three: 2, Division.four: 1}
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] < other._order()[other]
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] > other._order()[other]
def __le__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] <= other._order()[other]
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._order()[self] >= other._order()[other]
class Rank:
def __init__(self, tier: Tier, division: Division):
self.tuple = (tier, division)
self.tier = tier
self.division = division
def __str__(self):
return "<{} {}>".format(self.tuple[0], self.tuple[1])
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.tuple == other.tuple
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.tuple != other.tuple
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.tuple < other.tuple
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.tuple > other.tuple
def __le__(self, other):
return self.tuple <= other.tuple
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.tuple >= other.tuple
class GameType(Enum):
custom = "CUSTOM_GAME"
tutorial = "TUTORIAL_GAME"
matched = "MATCHED_GAME"
class Lane(Enum):
top_lane = "TOP_LANE"
mid_lane = "MID_LANE"
bot_lane = "BOT_LANE"
jungle = "JUNGLE"
utility = "UTILITY"
def from_match_naming_scheme(string: str):
return {
"BOTTOM": Lane.bot_lane,
"MIDDLE": Lane.mid_lane,
"MID": Lane.mid_lane,
"TOP": Lane.top_lane,
"JUNGLE": Lane.jungle,
"UTILITY": Lane.utility,
"INVALID": None,
"Invalid": None,
"": None,
"NONE": None,
class Role(Enum):
duo = "DUO"
duo_carry = "DUO_CARRY"
duo_support = "DUO_SUPPORT"
none = "NONE"
solo = "SOLO"
carry = "CARRY"
support = "SUPPORT"
def from_match_naming_scheme(string: str):
return {
"DUO": Role.duo,
"DUO_CARRY": Role.duo_carry,
"DUO_SUPPORT": Role.duo_support,
"NONE": Role.none,
"SOLO": Role.solo,
"CARRY": Role.carry,
class Position(Enum):
top = "TOP"
middle = "MIDDLE"
jungle = "JUNGLE"
bottom = "BOTTOM"
utility = "UTILITY"
apex = "APEX"
none = "NONE"
def from_league_naming_scheme(string: str):
return {
"MIDDLE": Position.middle,
"JUNGLE": Position.jungle,
"BOTTOM": Position.bottom,
"NONE": Position.none,
class SummonersRiftArea(Enum):
none = "NONE"
nexus_blue = "NEXUS_BLUE"
nexus_red = "NEXUS_RED"
top_lane_blue = "TOP_LANE_BLUE"
top_lane_purple = "TOP_LANE_PURPLE"
top_lane_red = "TOP_LANE_RED"
mid_lane_blue = "MID_LANE_BLUE"
mid_lane_purple = "MID_LANE_PURPLE"
mid_lane_red = "MID_LANE_RED"
bot_lane_blue = "BOT_LANE_BLUE"
bot_lane_purple = "BOT_LANE_PURPLE"
bot_lane_red = "BOT_LANE_RED"
jungle_top_blue = "JUNGLE_TOP_BLUE"
jungle_top_red = "JUNGLE_TOP_RED"
jungle_bot_blue = "JUNGLE_BOT_BLUE"
jungle_bot_red = "JUNGLE_BOT_RED"
river_top = "RIVER_TOP"
river_bot = "RIVER_BOT"
def get_side(self) -> Side:
if "BLUE" in self.value:
elif "RED" in self.value:
return None
def get_lane(self) -> Lane:
if "TOP" in self.value:
return Lane.top_lane
elif "MID" in self.value:
return Lane.mid_lane
elif "BOT" in self.value:
return Lane.bot_lane
elif "JUNGLE" in self.value:
return Lane.jungle
return None
def from_position(position: "Position") -> "SummonersRiftArea":
from .core.match import Position
x, y = position.x, position.y
# Load the map if it isn't already loaded
map = SummonersRiftArea.__map
except AttributeError:
import os
from PIL import Image
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
rel_path = "./resources/summonersRiftAreas.png"
map =, rel_path))
SummonersRiftArea.__map_size = map.size
map = map.load()
SummonersRiftArea.__map = map
image_width, image_height = SummonersRiftArea.__map_size
min_x = -120
min_y = -120
max_x = 14870
max_y = 14980
width = max_x - min_x
height = max_y - min_y
x = round((x - min_x) / width * (image_width - 1))
y = round(abs(y - min_y - height) / height * (image_height - 1))
rgb = map[x, y][0]
color_mapping = {
0: SummonersRiftArea.none,
10: SummonersRiftArea.nexus_blue,
20: SummonersRiftArea.nexus_red,
30: SummonersRiftArea.top_lane_blue,
40: SummonersRiftArea.top_lane_purple,
50: SummonersRiftArea.top_lane_red,
60: SummonersRiftArea.mid_lane_blue,
70: SummonersRiftArea.mid_lane_purple,
80: SummonersRiftArea.mid_lane_red,
90: SummonersRiftArea.bot_lane_blue,
100: SummonersRiftArea.bot_lane_purple,
110: SummonersRiftArea.bot_lane_red,
120: SummonersRiftArea.jungle_top_blue,
130: SummonersRiftArea.jungle_top_red,
140: SummonersRiftArea.jungle_bot_blue,
150: SummonersRiftArea.jungle_bot_red,
160: SummonersRiftArea.river_top,
170: SummonersRiftArea.river_bot,
return color_mapping.get(rgb, SummonersRiftArea.none)
class Tower(Enum):
# References for Queues:
class Queue(Enum):
custom = "CUSTOM" # 0
deprecated_blind_fives = "NORMAL_5x5_BLIND" # 2
deprecated_ranked_solo_fives = "CLASSIC" # 4
deprecated_ranked_premade_fives = "RANKED_PREMADE_5x5" # 6
deprecated_coop_ai_fives = "BOT_5x5" # 7
deprecated_blind_threes = "NORMAL_3x3" # 8
deprecated_ranked_premade_threes = "RANKED_PREMADE_3x3" # 9
deprecated_ranked_flex_threes = "RANKED_FLEX_TT_DEPRECATED" # 9 # There are two different queue names with ID 9... This one was replaced with queue 470. There is therefore no corresponding queue with ID 9 for this Queue, and instead the Queue with ID 470 will be used when this name is requested, even for very old games. In addition, there are two queues with the name "RANKED_FLEX_TT"; in order to avoid a name conflict, we renamed this one.
deprecated_draft_fives = "NORMAL_5x5_DRAFT" # 14
deprecated_blind_dominion = "ODIN_5x5_BLIND" # 16
deprecated_draft_dominion = "ODIN_5x5_DRAFT" # 17
deprecated_coop_ai_dominion = "BOT_ODIN_5x5" # 25
deprecated_coop_ai_intro_fives = "BOT_5x5_INTRO_DEPRECATED" # 31 # There are two queues with the name "BOT_5x5_INTRO" so this one has been renamed in order to avoid a conflict.
deprecated_coop_ai_beginner_fives = "BOT_5x5_BEGINNER_DEPRECATED" # 32 # There are two queues with the name "BOT_5x5_BEGINNER" so this one has been renamed in order to avoid a conflict.
deprecated_coop_ai_intermediate_fives = "BOT_5x5_INTERMEDIATE_DEPRECATED" # 33 # There are two queues with the name "BOT_5x5_INTERMEDIATE" so this one has been renamed in order to avoid a conflict.
deprecated_ranked_team_threes = "RANKED_TEAM_3x3" # 41
deprecated_ranked_team_fives = "RANKED_TEAM_5x5" # 42
deprecated_coop_ai_threes = "BOT_TT_3x3" # 52
deprecated_team_builder_fives = "GROUP_FINDER_5x5" # 61
deprecated_aram = "ARAM_5x5" # 65
one_for_all = "ONEFORALL_5x5" # 70
showdown_1v1 = "FIRSTBLOOD_1x1" # 72
showdown_2v2 = "FIRSTBLOOD_2x2" # 73
hexakill_summoners_rift = "SR_6x6" # 75
urf = "URF_5x5" # 76
mirror_mode_fives = "ONEFORALL_MIRRORMODE_5x5" # 78
urf_coop_ai = "BOT_URF_5x5" # 83
deprecated_doom_bots_rank_1 = "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK1" # 91
deprecated_doom_bots_rank_2 = "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK2" # 92
deprecated_doom_bots_rank_5 = "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK5" # 93
ascension = "ASCENSION_5x5" # 96
hexakill_twisted_treeline = "HEXAKILL" # 98
aram_butchers_bridge = "BILGEWATER_ARAM_5x5" # 100
deprecated_poro_king = "KING_PORO_5x5" # 300
nemesis_draft = "COUNTER_PICK" # 310
black_market_brawlers = "BILGEWATER_5x5" # 313
deprecated_nexus_siege = "SIEGE" # 315
definitely_not_dominion = "DEFINITELY_NOT_DOMINION_5x5" # 317
deprecated_all_random_urf = "ARURF_5X5" # 318
all_random_summoners_rift = "ARSR_5x5" # 325
normal_draft_fives = "TEAM_BUILDER_DRAFT_UNRANKED_5x5" # 400
deprecated_ranked_fives = "TEAM_BUILDER_DRAFT_RANKED_5x5" # 410
# TODO Evidently we originally had 420 as the commented out queue name below, but it may have changed?
# TODO But the queue name sent to the Leagues endpoint needs to be RANKED_SOLO_5x5 for ranked solo games.
ranked_solo_fives = "RANKED_SOLO_5x5" # 420
blind_fives = "NORMAL_5V5_BLIND_PICK" # 430
ranked_flex_fives = "RANKED_FLEX_SR" # 440
aram = "ARAM" # 450
blind_threes = "NORMAL_3X3_BLIND_PICK" # 460
blood_hunt_assassin = "ASSASSINATE_5x5" # 600
dark_star = "DARKSTAR_3x3" # 610
ranked_flex_threes = "RANKED_FLEX_TT" # 470
clash = "CLASH" # 700
coop_ai_intermediate_threes = "BOT_3X3_INTERMEDIATE" # 800
coop_ai_intro_threes = "BOT_3X3_INTRO" # 810
coop_ai_beginner_threes = "BOT_3X3_BEGINNER" # 820
coop_ai_intro_fives = "BOT_5X5_INTRO" # 830
coop_ai_beginner_fives = "BOT_5X5_BEGINNER" # 840
coop_ai_intermediate_fives = "BOT_5X5_INTERMEDIATE" # 850
all_random_urf = "ARURF_5X5" # 900
project = "PROJECT" # 910
poro_king = "KINGPORO" # 920
nexus_siege = "NEXUS_SIEGE" # 940
doom_bots_difficult = "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5X5_VOTE" # 950
doom_bots = "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5X5" # 960
guardian_invasion_normal = "INVASION_NORMAL" # 980
guardian_invasion_onslaught = "INVASION_ONSLAUGHT" # 990
overcharge = "OVERCHARGE" # 1000
all_random_urf_snow = "SNOWURF" # 1010
one_for_all_rapid = "ONEFORALL_RAPID_5x5" # 1020
odyssey_intro = "ODYSSEY_INTRO" # 1030
odyssey_cadet = "ODYSSEY_CADET" # 1040
odyssey_crewmember = "ODYSSEY_CREWMEMBER" # 1050
odyssey_captain = "ODYSSEY_CAPTAIN" # 1060
odyssey_onslaught = "ODYSSEY_ONSLAUGHT" # 1070
normal_tft = "NORMAL_TFT" # 1090
ranked_tft = "RANKED_TFT" # 1100
ranked_tft_pairs = "RANKED_TFT_PAIRS" # 1150
ranked_tft_double_up = "RANKED_TFT_DOUBLE_UP" # 1160
deprecated_nexus_blitz = "NEXUS_BLITZ" # 1200
nexus_blitz = "NEXUS_BLITZ" # 1300
ultimate_spellbook = "ULTIMATE_SPELLBOOK" # 1400
rings_of_wrath = "RINGS_OF_WRATH" # 1700
arena = "CHERRY" #1710
pick_urf_games = "PICK_URF_GAMES" # 1900
tutorial1 = "TUTORIAL_1" # Summoner's Rift Tutorial 1
tutorial2 = "TUTORIAL_2" # Summoner's Rift Tutorial 2
tutorial3 = "TUTORIAL_3" # Summoner's Rift Tutorial 3
def from_id(id: int):
return {i: queue for queue, i in QUEUE_IDS.items()}[id]
def id(self):
return QUEUE_IDS[self]
Queue.custom: 0, # Custom games
Queue.deprecated_blind_fives: 2, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Blind Pick games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 430
Queue.deprecated_ranked_solo_fives: 4, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Solo games Deprecated in favor of queueId 420
Queue.deprecated_ranked_premade_fives: 6, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Premade games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_coop_ai_fives: 7, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs AI games Deprecated in favor of queueId 32 and 33
Queue.deprecated_blind_threes: 8, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Normal games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 460
Queue.deprecated_ranked_premade_threes: 9, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked Flex games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 470
Queue.deprecated_draft_fives: 14, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Draft Pick games Deprecated in favor of queueId 400
Queue.deprecated_blind_dominion: 16, # Crystal Scar 5v5 Dominion Blind Pick games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_draft_dominion: 17, # Crystal Scar 5v5 Dominion Draft Pick games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_coop_ai_dominion: 25, # Crystal Scar Dominion Co-op vs AI games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_coop_ai_intro_fives: 31, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs AI Intro Bot games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 830
Queue.deprecated_coop_ai_beginner_fives: 32, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs AI Beginner Bot games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 840
Queue.deprecated_coop_ai_intermediate_fives: 33, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs AI Intermediate Bot games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 850
Queue.deprecated_ranked_team_threes: 41, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked Team games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_ranked_team_fives: 42, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Team games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_coop_ai_threes: 52, # Twisted Treeline Co-op vs AI games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 800
Queue.deprecated_team_builder_fives: 61, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Team Builder games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_aram: 65, # Howling Abyss 5v5 ARAM games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 450
Queue.one_for_all: 70, # Summoner's Rift One for All games
Queue.showdown_1v1: 72, # Howling Abyss 1v1 Snowdown Showdown games
Queue.showdown_2v2: 73, # Howling Abyss 2v2 Snowdown Showdown games
Queue.hexakill_summoners_rift: 75, # Summoner's Rift 6v6 Hexakill games
Queue.urf: 76, # Summoner's Rift Ultra Rapid Fire games
Queue.mirror_mode_fives: 78, # Summoner's Rift Mirrored One for All
Queue.urf_coop_ai: 83, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs AI Ultra Rapid Fire games
Queue.deprecated_doom_bots_rank_1: 91, # Summoner's Rift Doom Bots Rank 1 games Deprecated in patch 7.21 in favor of queueId 950
Queue.deprecated_doom_bots_rank_2: 92, # Summoner's Rift Doom Bots Rank 2 games Deprecated in patch 7.21 in favor of queueId 950
Queue.deprecated_doom_bots_rank_5: 93, # Summoner's Rift Doom Bots Rank 5 games Deprecated in patch 7.21 in favor of queueId 950
Queue.ascension: 96, # Crystal Scar Ascension games
Queue.hexakill_twisted_treeline: 98, # Twisted Treeline 6v6 Hexakill games
Queue.aram_butchers_bridge: 100, # Butcher's Bridge 5v5 ARAM games
Queue.deprecated_poro_king: 300, # Howling Abyss King Poro games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 920
Queue.nemesis_draft: 310, # Summoner's Rift Nemesis games
Queue.black_market_brawlers: 313, # Summoner's Rift Black Market Brawlers games
Queue.deprecated_nexus_siege: 315, # Summoner's Rift Nexus Siege games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 940
Queue.definitely_not_dominion: 317, # Crystal Scar Definitely Not Dominion games
Queue.deprecated_all_random_urf: 318, # Summoner's Rift All Random URF games Game mode deprecated in patch 8.10 in favor is queueId 900
Queue.all_random_summoners_rift: 325, # Summoner's Rift All Random games
Queue.normal_draft_fives: 400, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Draft Pick games
Queue.deprecated_ranked_fives: 410, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Dynamic games Game mode deprecated in patch 6.22
Queue.ranked_solo_fives: 420, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Solo games
Queue.blind_fives: 430, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Blind Pick games
Queue.ranked_flex_fives: 440, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Flex games
Queue.aram: 450, # Howling Abyss 5v5 ARAM games
Queue.blind_threes: 460, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Blind Pick games
Queue.ranked_flex_threes: 470, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked Flex games
Queue.blood_hunt_assassin: 600, # Summoner's Rift Blood Hunt Assassin games
Queue.dark_star: 610, # Cosmic Ruins Dark Star games
Queue.clash: 700, # Summoner's Rift Clash games
Queue.coop_ai_intermediate_threes: 800, # Twisted Treeline Co-op vs. AI Intermediate Bot games
Queue.coop_ai_intro_threes: 810, # Twisted Treeline Co-op vs. AI Intro Bot games
Queue.coop_ai_beginner_threes: 820, # Twisted Treeline Co-op vs. AI Beginner Bot games
Queue.coop_ai_intro_fives: 830, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs. AI Intro Bot games
Queue.coop_ai_beginner_fives: 840, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs. AI Beginner Bot games
Queue.coop_ai_intermediate_fives: 850, # Summoner's Rift Co-op vs. AI Intermediate Bot games
Queue.all_random_urf: 900, # Summoner's Rift All Random URF games
Queue.project: 910,
Queue.poro_king: 920, # Howling Abyss Legend of the Poro King
Queue.nexus_siege: 940, # Summoner's Rift Nexus Siege games
Queue.doom_bots_difficult: 950, # Summoner's Rift Doom Bots games /w difficulty voting
Queue.doom_bots: 960, # Summoner's Rift Doom Bots games
Queue.guardian_invasion_normal: 980, # Valoran City Park Star Guardian Invasion: Normal games
Queue.guardian_invasion_onslaught: 990, # Valoran City Park Star Guardian Invasion: Onslaught games
Queue.overcharge: 1000, # Overcharge, PROJECT: Hunters games
Queue.all_random_urf_snow: 1010, # Summoner's Rift, Snow ARURF games
Queue.one_for_all_rapid: 1020, # Summoner's Rift One for All games (increased gold and exp gain)
Queue.odyssey_intro: 1030, # Odyssey: Extraction
Queue.odyssey_cadet: 1040, # Odyssey: Extraction
Queue.odyssey_crewmember: 1050, # Odyssey: Extraction
Queue.odyssey_captain: 1060, # Odyssey: Extraction
Queue.odyssey_onslaught: 1070, # Odyssey: Extraction
Queue.normal_tft: 1090, # Convergence, Normal Teamfight Tactics games
Queue.ranked_tft: 1100, # Convergence, Ranked Teamfight Tactics games
Queue.ranked_tft_pairs: 1150, # Convergence, Teamfight Tactics (Double Up Beta) games
Queue.ranked_tft_double_up: 1160, # Convergence, Teamfight Tactics Double Up
Queue.deprecated_nexus_blitz: 1200, # Nexus Blitz map Nexus Blitz Deprecated in patch 9.2 in favor of queueId 1300
Queue.nexus_blitz: 1300, # Nexus Blitz map Nexus Blitz
Queue.ultimate_spellbook: 1400, # Summoner's Rift Ultimate Spellbook
Queue.rings_of_wrath: 1700, # Rings of Wrath
Queue.arena: 1710, # Cherry
Queue.pick_urf_games: 1900, # Summoner's Rift Pick URF Games
Queue.tutorial1: 2000, # Summoner's Rift Tutorial 1
Queue.tutorial2: 2010, # Summoner's Rift Tutorial 2
Queue.tutorial3: 2020, # Summoner's Rift Tutorial 3
Queue.deprecated_ranked_solo_fives, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Solo games Deprecated in favor of queueId 420
Queue.deprecated_ranked_premade_fives, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Premade games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_ranked_premade_threes, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked Flex games Deprecated in patch 7.19 in favor of queueId 470
Queue.deprecated_ranked_team_threes, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked Team games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_ranked_team_fives, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Team games Game mode deprecated
Queue.deprecated_ranked_fives, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Dynamic games Game mode deprecated in patch 6.22
Queue.ranked_solo_fives, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Solo games
Queue.ranked_flex_fives, # Summoner's Rift 5v5 Ranked Flex games
Queue.ranked_flex_threes, # Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked Flex games
Queue.ranked_tft, # Convergence Ranked Teamfight Tactics games
Queue.ranked_tft_pairs, # Convergence Ranked Teamfight Tactics (Double Up Beta) games
Queue.ranked_tft_double_up, # Convergence Ranked Teamfight Tactics Double Up games